Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb.100 3,579 Observations

Winter aconite, Winter Hellebore, Winterling (DE), Talovín zimní, Perdición del Lobo (ES), Acónito de Invierno (ES), Eranthis, Ayttablomke (FY)
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Leaf
Eranthis hyemalis Fruit
Eranthis hyemalis Habit
Eranthis hyemalis Other
Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb.
Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb.
Common name(s)
  • Winter aconite
  • Winter Hellebore
  • Winterling (DE)
  • Talovín zimní
  • Perdición del Lobo (ES)
  • Acónito de Invierno (ES)
  • Eranthis
  • Ayttablomke (FY)
    • ornamental

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Geolocated (public data) 3

Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower

Geolocated (private data) 32

Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower

Not geolocated 41

Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower
Eranthis hyemalis Flower