Agathis robusta (C.Moore ex F.Muell.) F.M.Bailey100 102 Observations

Dundathu-pine, North Queensland kauri, North Queensland kauri-pine, Queensland kauri, Queensland kauri pine, Smooth-barked kauri, South Queensland kauri, South Queensland kauri-pine, Australian-kauri, Kauri-pine, Smoothbark kauri
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Fruit
Agathis robusta Bark
Agathis robusta Habit
Agathis robusta (C.Moore ex F.Muell.) F.M.Bailey
Agathis robusta (C.Moore ex F.Muell.) F.M.Bailey
Common name(s)
  • Dundathu-pine
  • North Queensland kauri
  • North Queensland kauri-pine
  • Queensland kauri
  • Queensland kauri pine
  • Smooth-barked kauri
  • South Queensland kauri
  • South Queensland kauri-pine
  • Australian-kauri
  • Kauri-pine
  • Smoothbark kauri
IUCN Red List
Least Concern
Population trend: Stable

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Geolocated (public data) 9

Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf

Geolocated (private data) 16

Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf

Not geolocated 16

Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf
Agathis robusta Leaf